Wednesday, March 4, 2009

barack obama on abortion

what you alrady konw about the subject area and ?what you would like to learn?

what i alrady konw

potecting a women right to choose obame will safeguarding woman rigts under roe v wade a priorty. he opposes any constitutional amenment to overturn that decision. obama will work to reduce unintended pregnancy by guranteeing equity in contraceptive coverage, providing sex education and offering rape victims accurate information about emergency contraceotion. obama record in liiiois represents that of a pragmatic progressive who pushed for moderate reforms and opposed right wing legislation . in the legislature voting present is the equivalent of voting.

what i would like to learn

to teach teens about abstinence and also about contraception and talked about take a comprensive approach where we focus on absinence, where we are teaching the sacredness of sexualiy to our children. find common ground detween pro-choice and pro-life and undecided on whether life begins at conception.


  1. 1. Is the post the appropriate amount (300 words)?:Some what

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    6. Offer two or three written positive (specific) comments to the author

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    -what made you want to talk about this particluar topic

  2. Darnisha,

    This topic will be of high interest to a lot of people because Obama potentially has the power to make big changes to this country's abortion policy. This post is strong in the way it lays out Obama's thoughts on the matter, but you should also tell us the source of your information.

  3. It's very informative. I agree with the sourcing and length. Perhaps this type of article will be better suited for Hubpages. Have you thought about writing for them?
